Career choice and adjustments can be a serious source of stress due to the nature of change and uncertainty.  It can be quite challenging to  figure out if you are oh the right path which can lead to a feeling of anxiety.  Someone In career transition needs pause in order to assess their values, professional style and goals.  Value alignment coupled with the right skills, interests, lead to a more fulfilling career after this exploratory period.

What matters to you in a company?   Would it be a company vision, schedule flexibility, or a certain industry you would like to represent?

Our values can fluctuate based on financial responsibilities, career stage, and career/life balance.  How would you discern your personal values?

Career explorers are often a bit too consumed with position titles such as ‘Regional VP’ or ‘Director’ because there is a certain lifestyle attached to those positions.  One should consider day to day tasks, skills, and educational background when considering a career upgrade or new position.

What is the ‘Professional’ version of yourself that is a true inspiration?  If you could narrow a choice down to one or two companies, who would they be?  How did you come up with that choice?

What sort of responsibilities do you want in a ‘dream role”?  Some careers are much more demanding than others.  Ask yourself ‘what would my Monday morning look like?’