One-Hour Job Hunt Consultation

In this discussion, you will receive a more targeted and specified approach to find better job opportunities.  

Get a clear understanding of what’s involved in landing a job with a company of choice.

We will formulate a strategy to overcome your challenges. A clear course of action will be set to increase response from ideal companies so you can progress into the interview stage.

Learn skills which you can adapt to job hunts for the rest of your professional career  

Consultation will include

  • Current strategy and lesser known routes to better companies
  • Interview feedback or lack of opportunities in this area
  • What’s preventing you from getting in front of more Hiring Teams

By the end of our session, you’ll have actionable suggestions to uncover and help secure your next great job.  i will start by asking “What are you Career Goals and have you taken the right steps to meet those goals?”

Together, we’ll refine your approach and develop a path to overcome any obstacles.

To book Your Job Hunt Consultation Meeting:

Select the date and time that works with your schedule. Also provide your LinkedIn profile URL. Then you’ll be asked for payment via Paypal payment processing. You can enter a credit/debit card.

You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link. You will also receive a reminder 24 hours before our scheduled appointment. If you don’t see an email, check your spam folder or email me immediately.

Your investment: $225