Chat GPT is a mechanism able to mimic human conversations can answer questions on any topic based on public information, emulates a chat bot and able to answer any question based on public information.

Positives and Negatives of Chat GPT

Saves so much time on the job search.  Helps people save time and also to get ‘unstuck’, especially helpful for resumes and job searches. A couple of great uses of Chat GPT obtaining alternate titles and crafting informational interview questions. Keeps candidates up to date on job trends.

Resumes, and personal correspondence may lack flair and have a ‘generic’ feel. Best used to generate ideas that can be
modified/edited with personal touch.

AI Job Search Statistics

Recently, job seekers have utilized this technology at an increased level. It is important not to overuse AI to exagerate
strengths and oversell personal accomplishments. Job seekers will always need to back up their claims .
Excellent way to stay more competitive in the job market.

Tips-Using CGPT-Networking

AI has started to change to enhance the process of job searching, This concept is expected to transform the
corporate hiring process more in the future. Can be used as a valuable networking tool as well. Research people of interest
and follow these steps. on Linkedin.

  • Find a person you would like to meet on Linkedin using search bar
  • Left click on ‘More’ and save their profile on on PDF
  • Ask Chat GPT to summarize their profile with accomplishments after copying and pasting
  • Ask Chat GPT to construct message, ask for ‘lesser known advice’
  • Outside of Linkedin, search College Alumni Database in UX/Ui, repeat
    process, ask Chat GPT Company specific questions for interviews

AI Resume Software

Entry level candidates can browse industry/company able to start the job search right away. ATS friendly Resume AI will grade
resumes based on what recruiters and HM’s are looking for identify areas of improvement. Must self edit, far from a
final product in many cases, poor grammer, run on sentences, typos, can be quite expensive


AI Job Matching Tools-Sonara, Lazy Apply

Able to quickly match candidates with companies based on skills, education, saving time and energy. Assists job seekers through listings, requirements, company info.

Customers complete  a series of questions on job preferences, location, remote, salary, start, education, skills.

The results-Job Skills Test Helps Entry Level Candidates Stand Out.

AI Interview Prep Tools

Job Interviewees can practice interview skills and receive instant feedback via AI, play back feature
rerecorded face  to face interview questions with real UX interviewers, includes practice interview guide