With so much information online regarding career coaching and advancement in recent times, why would clients keep signing up for career coach?  The best answer is that you most probably need a personalized program with a distinct plan of action.

Toxin work and personal environments also play a role.  Familiarity and mon

If you have unemployed for an extended period of time, I could practically guarantee you would benefit from coaching.

We believe that everyone has a unique skill and talent in life.  A career coach gives the client the tools in order to propel the clients to the front of the line when the right opening.  Resume editing, Linkedin optimization, salary negotiation strategies, and advanced job search techniques play a crucial role.   are part of the picture of course.  The main duties of a career coach would be to maximize a clients of landing an ideal job through proven, time tested strategies.

Career coaches are process driven and drive clients to challenge themselves to ensure a smooth professional transition.  Poor execution and lack of commitment to success lead to repeated rejections

My clients are often very bored in their current role and don’t feel challenged.  They would like to see if there is a chance of doing something completely different next year.

Others simply need to be clued in on the process of career advancement.

How is your work ethic?

Do you experience the same negative issues in every single job?

If I asked you what your professional weaknesses are, how would you respond?  This seems to come up in most job interviews and manager/employee reviews.

Do you live for the weekends and feel miserable on Sundays when you realize Monday morning is coming up?  Are you drinking and loafing around at the end of the weekend?

How do handle rejection after a shaky job interview?  How would you benefit from practical feedback from a professional who knows what Hiring Managers need to hear?

Most clients are not satisfied with their work environment and these issues bleed into other important areas of their personal lives.  Some clients need to find their calling and

In short, a career coach will help you advance into a more desirable position and in a short amount of time.