Are you searching for a new job or considering leaving your current employer? Maybe you feel stuck in your 9 to 5 and want to find a position that better fits your skill set. When it’s time to enter the job market, hiring a career coach can mean the difference between remaining stagnant and landing your dream job quickly. With over 56% of the American workforce expected to begin looking for jobs in the next twelve months, the competition for open positions is higher than ever, meaning you have to stand out from the rest. That’s where a career coach comes in!

What Is A Career Coach?

A career coach is a professional that assists with career planning, locating new job opportunities, navigating the recruitment process, and reaching your career goals. They work alongside you, providing expert advice on everything from perfecting your resume to planning for interviews, positioning you for the best chance of success. Additionally, a career coach will:


  • Help you navigate a career transition
  • Provide skills necessary for successful job interviews
  • Assist with short and long-term professional goal setting
  • Locate new career opportunities and job options
  • Provide guidance for establishing a healthy work/ life balance
  • Identify ways to advance in your current job
  • Help you acclimate to your new job

Who Can Benefit From A Career Coach?

Whether you’re looking for a new job or want to advance in your current position, a career coach will help you achieve your professional goals. Everyone, no matter where they are in their career, can benefit from the many services career coaches offer! The sad fact is that over 85% of people worldwide aren’t happy at their jobs, citing reasons like office politics, long hours, lack of vacation time, and colleagues as some of the most significant stressors. If you count yourself as part of this overwhelming percentage, a career coach can provide life-changing services that can reignite your passion and help you look forward to going to work again.

How To Know If You Need A Career Coach

Do you need help determining whether a career coach is right for you? Here are four signs that hiring a career coach will benefit you!

  1. You struggle with finding a work/ life balance

Three in five employees report suffering from some level of burnout at their current position, a condition often caused by poor work/ life balance. Job satisfaction directly impacts this number, with those finding pleasure in their careers better managing work-related stresses. When you are more satisfied at work, you can better enjoy your personal life, leading to less overall stress and a healthier work/ life balance.


  1. You feel stuck at your current job

The pandemic had an unexpected impact on the corporate world; as people were forced to stay home, they had time to contemplate what they wanted out of their careers and what aspects of their current jobs they would no longer tolerate. The result was a mass exodus, with employees quitting their jobs by the thousands in what is now called the Great Resignation. The long-term effects are still felt worldwide, with greater numbers of employees facing the fact that they are unhappy with their positions. If you feel stuck, a career coach can help you examine your goals and create a plan to achieve them.


  1. You’re unsure if you’re career is right for you

If you’ve worked at your job for a while and are questioning whether you’ve chosen the correct profession, a career coach can help you evaluate your goals and find the career that’s right for you. They can also pinpoint growth potential in your current position, allowing you to make an informed decision moving forward.


  1. You want to learn new skills

Are you happy in your career but want to expand your horizons and learn new skills? If so, a career coach can provide valuable insight to help you grow professionally and obtain skills that will propel your career forward.

The Benefits Of Hiring A Career Coach

There are many benefits that come with hiring a career coach to help make your dream job a reality, including:


Improved mental health

A study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research showed that career coaching could significantly improve employees’ mental health by reducing stress, improving resiliency, and increasing overall life satisfaction.


Increase productivity

Career coaching teaches skills that can help increase productivity within the workplace.


Improve employee retention

If you are in a leadership position, a career coach can provide insight to improve employee retention and satisfaction. Understanding how to work with others and lead successfully is integral to maintaining a healthy, happy working environment.


Grab employer’s attention

A qualified career coach can walk you through your resume and LinkedIn profile, showing you the correct verbiage to use to grab recruiters’ attention and ensure you stand out. In such a competitive job market, showcasing your skills is essential to landing your dream job.


Interview coaching

Did you know that it only takes 90 seconds for many employers to know if they want to hire you? Being confident and knowledgeable during your interview is crucial, which is why coaching is such a valuable tool. Just like in sports, you wouldn’t dream of competing without practicing first; interviewing for a job requires skilled training from an expert career coach.

Find Your Dream Job With A Career Coach

If you’re ready to find your dream job, you need a highly experienced and candidate-centered career coach that produces results. Coach Cardello has over twelve years of experience helping clients like you find their dream jobs and reach their professional goals. Offering a wide range of services, including resume overhauls, career strategy development, salary negotiation guidance, interview preparation, and so much more, Coach Cardello provides the encouragement and guidance you need to level up and reach your full professional potential. Don’t waste another day stuck at a dead-end job or in the wrong profession; contact Coach Cardello today and make your dream job a reality!