The job market today is just as competitive as ever, We are  not in a state  known as a ‘candidate-centric’ market., job seekers have the advantage as thousands have fled the workforce. With job opportunities still in plentiful supply, one can optimize their chances of success by researching companies well before their scheduled job interview. Specific company related questions can be asked to the interviewee so it’s a great idea to come fully prepared. You don’t need to go sift through company company pamphlets or receive minute to minute updates from the company twitter page. A few visits to the company website should suffice to obtain general info such as the size of the company, current CEO, but more importantly ‘Company Purpose’ and how it differs from its competitors. What stands out about this company that fits your professional purpose and career goals? Would you be considered a ‘Cultural Fit?’ Does this group align itself with your own professional values and personal ethics?

Review sites are in abundance these across the job and getting a better idea idea of the benefits and potential downfalls of any company is readily available. Sites like Glassdoor and Indeed provide a great resource for those looking for company reviews. You many notice recurring themes of criticism and praise. Keep in mind that reviews are left by ex workers who may not have left on the very best terms. Or reflect on the things they didn’t really care about the company in retrospect. Reviews left with a non critical ‘perfect ten experience, too good to be true’ pretense could be totally fabricated and often have a spammy, unauthentic feel. Reviews with similar likes/and dislikes tell a more credible story. Check out Hiring Manager/CEO Linkedin pages to get a better feel for their character.

Which companies did they come from and how long have they been employed with said group?

What type of content do they post? Do they contribute value driven Linkedin content and do they receive responses from other top notch executives? Feel free to reach out to ex employees and ask about their experience, be sure to send a personalized note upon Linkedin connection request. Can they share any useful advice to help obtain a bit of insight on the company? This is networking

Do their own employees respond to their posts, and do people stay long at the company? Are people too quick to move on as it’s seen as a career ‘stepping stone?’

Are the very same jobs posted all the time in the same locations? Keep in mind that Healthcare Companies often have a high turnover rate.

Hiring Managers may be impressed with just a bit of company research prior to interview. I have found a deeper understanding of company culture from pre interview research.

Has this company been in the news lately for better or worse? Think about what you bring to the table to help this company succeed.