Nervous about a big job interview? One of the most important aspects in candidate selection for positions is immediate availability. Getting past the first phase of job in the job interview process is always a bit nerve racking. Did you the same or very similar questions are asked to job candidates in this field regardless of the position? The way you perform in the initial stages of job discussion will determine the next step in consideration for thee positions. Let’s go over the most common question with the appropriate and strategic response

Are you the outgoing personable type who gets along well with others? Do you keep your head down at work at focus on the task at hand?. Are you comfortable in your own skin, and do you enjoy speaking of life experience? One of the common and questions is a basic one….


Professionals in our field are highly empathetic, team orientated and need to be able to handle high pressure situations where people’s lifes are at stake. How to address such an open ended question? The answers are all your own, here are a few basic themes hiring managers are looking for today

  • TEAMWORK-Let it be known you are able to work effectively in a team environment and give specific examples of past team based accomplishments. Healthcare companies/hospitals rely on a group effort to attain goals, the environment is often emotional and pressure driven. Please don’t hesitate to explain team related success stories from previous positions, and how working within the confines of a group dynamic led to the desired result. You achieved these results while serving the community. Clear and concise verbal and written skills are an integral component to team success as well!